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Medical Weight Loss!

Start Your Weight Loss Journey with iLIFE Anti Aging & Weight Loss!

Tired of struggling with your weight, feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration, we've got the solution you've been waiting for.

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Medical Weight Loss is just a click away!

Identify them in three ways:

Medical Consultation

An expert clinician will evaluate you to see if medical weight loss is appropriate for you.


Baseline lab work and lab work every 4 months to make sure your body's blood chemistry is monitored and clinical follow-up to your appropriate medical provider.

Specialized Medications

If determined appropriate, your medical weight loss expert may prescribe a GLP-1 agonist like Semaglutide or Tirzepitide to help you on your weight loss journey.

Limited Time Offer


Monthly Subscription



-Lab Work

-Standard Medications

-Originally $397/mo

**Prices subject to change

**Local pickup only

**Shipping charges may apply

Got questions? Call us at 832-344-3835 or


What Is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide is a glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) analog approved in 2017 as a treatment method for improving glycemic control in patients with Type-2 diabetes. Semaglutide shows great promise for patients who are having difficulty losing weight.

Studies have demonstrated that Semaglutide reduced appetite, improved control of eating, and reduced food cravings in addition to improved glycemic control. The greatest weight loss benefits were ovserved when Semaglutide is used in combination with lifestyle changes, such as improved diet and consistent exercise.

What is the most common side effects I can expect?

Nausea is the most common side effect. Recommendations to limit nausea: eat bland, low-processed foods like crackers, toast, and rice. Eat foods that contain water like soups. Avoid laying down after eating. Eat slowly. Go outdoors for fresh air.

How Does GLP-1 work?

It aids in weight loss by slowing down stomach emptying and signaling to your brain that your stomach is full. This allows patients to experience less hunger and feel satisfied with fewer calories

How Should I store this Medication?

Store this in a dry space refrigerated. Keep all medications out of the reach of children and pets and discard needs in a puncture resistant container.

What is the average weight loss?

How much weight will you lose is determined by your own body type and response to the medical weight loss, proper diet, and exercise.

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Take advantage of the Medical Weight Loss Revolution!


A Startling Fact About the 3 Biggest Diet Destroyers

A Startling Fact About the 3 Biggest Diet Destroyers

December 15, 20233 min read

A Startling Fact About the 3 Biggest Diet Destroyers

If you think chocolate is the temptation most likely to lure you off your diet, think again. British researchers recently identified 3 top dieting pitfalls, and candy bars did not make the list.

Alcohol, friends, and keeping late hours were the most potent trio of diet destroyers. That’s according to a group of volunteers who used their cell phones to monitor their cravings for a week. They reported being enticed about a dozen times and giving in on about half of those occasions.

Learn from their experience. Use this 3 part guide to help you stay on track with your weight loss plans.

Dieting and Alcohol

  1. Learn calorie counts. People often underestimate the calories in alcohol. Even light beers may have more than 100 calories a serving. Sweet concoctions like a Chocolate Martini rack up about 550 calories.

  2. Order slimmer drinks. Fortunately, there are much lighter options. A Bloody Mary contains little more than 100 calories and half of that is tomato juice, so you get important vitamins.

  3. Choose smart snacks. You’ll probably drink less if you eat first and stop occasionally to refuel. Skip the deep fried cheese sticks and opt for hummus and baby carrots.

  4. Slow down. Pace yourself for long evenings. Limit your consumption to one drink or less an hour.

  5. Practice portion control. The size of a drink can vary dramatically. Keep in mind that some restaurants now serve as much as 6 ounces of wine per glass because customers are getting used to supersizing.

  6. Drink more water. Filling up on water works wonders. You take in fewer calories and reduce the dehydrating effects of cocktail hour.

Dieting and Friends

  1. Share activities together. Sign up for a yoga class instead of going out for pizza after work. Enjoy your usual weekend brunch, but take a morning hike first.

  2. Be mindful. Having company around tends to distract you from what you’re eating. You may also feel like it’s courteous to go along with what everyone else is doing. Be extra vigilant around the bacon at the breakfast buffet.

  3. Provide mutual encouragement. Some of your family and friends are bound to be working on their own health issues. Team up to cut down on sugar or eat more fiber.

  4. Focus on overall health. View your diet as part of a bigger picture. Increase your motivation by imagining how good it would be to live a longer and more active life.

Dieting and Late Hours

  1. Maintain a consistent schedule. Go to bed and rise at about the same time every day. That includes weekends and holidays.

  2. Turn off devices before bed. Bright screens and crime dramas may be keeping you up at night. Shut off your phone and computer a couple of hours before you retire.

  3. Manage stress. Engage in regular exercise and relaxation practices. Take a walk or play racquet sports. Listen to soft music or learn to knit.

  4. Develop bedtime rituals. Let your mind and body know that it’s time to give in to drowsiness. Lie in a warm bath. Read one chapter of a classic novel each night.

  5. Upgrade your sleep environment. Black out drapes will stop street lights from keeping you up. Replace a sagging mattress if needed. Clear away clutter or store it out of sight.

Plan ahead to keep the most common triggers from interfering with your diet. Hang onto your friends and support each other with developing healthier habits. Drink responsibly and get adequate sleep. In the end you’ll find it easier to eat nutritious foods and lose weight.

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Dr Michael Nguyen, RPh, BSPharm, PharmD

Hey, I’m Dr. Michael Nguyen, I’m a board certified coach, NLP, hypnosis, and time line therapy practitioner. I’m a Clinical Infusion and Compounding Pharmacy by heart and I love helping patients and other practitioners think outside the box about health, wellness, and goals. It alls starts with the mind and with a little science we can turn our internal clocks back, gain health, lose weight, and stay strong!

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*Results may vary. Consultation required. Monthly program includes initial consultation, lab work, and medications. Certain medications may have an additional monthly cost.

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